5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Sun Tunnel


Sun tunnels and skylights are excellent for filling your home with natural light. Unfortunately, they can suffer damage or wear and tear over time. Here are a few signs to look out for that may indicate it’s time for a replacement.

1. Condensation on the Glass

When the temperature inside your home is quite different from the temperature outdoors, it’s normal to see some condensation on the glass that quickly dissipates. However, if you notice frequent condensation, you should receive a professional inspection to see if it may be necessary to replace your skylight. Otherwise, you may start experiencing ice dams or even leaks.

2. Leaking Water

Alternatively, you may notice that your skylight is leaking without any condensation forming. Signs include drips of water under the skylight, discolouration of the wall, bulges where water is accumulating, or even mold. This requires immediate attention. Bear in mind that you’re more likely to suffer leaks if you have traditional skylights than if you have circular tube sun tunnels.

3. Drafts

Inefficient skylights can also suffer from air leaks, creating hot or cold drafts. You can often check if this is the case by holding your hand around two centimeters from the skylight and feeling for a difference in temperature. Changing to a more modern sun tunnel will prevent this problem.

4. Cracking

Exposure to extreme weather conditions can cause cracks in your skylight, particularly if heavy winds cause debris to fall on the glass. Older acrylic skylights are the most prone to cracking, whereas a tube sun tunnel is the most resistant, since it is shatterproof. You should receive an inspection if you have any concerns, as cracks are often too small to see yourself.

5. Old Sun Tunnels

If your skylight is more than 20 years old, you should replace it even if there are no cracks. This is because your current skylight is unlikely to be as energy efficient as a newer sun tunnel, due to the more modern materials and installation methods that are now available. The ideal time to replace your skylight is when you change your roof, as this will make your entire home more energy efficient and save you money on utility bills.

If you’ve noticed any of the above signs, it may be time to schedule a skylight replacement. Edmonton homeowners can receive the service from Weatherproof Roofing. We are experts in all kinds of roof features, including sun tunnels. Contact us to receive a free estimate.

Rachel Grier