How Do Skylights Affect Home Value?

When assessing ways to renovate your home, you need to consider how a particular feature will affect your property value. Skylights both increase home value and are a selling point for many buyers — provided you install them with the following in mind.

Increase Natural Light

Most homeowners choose to install a skylight to brighten up the interior of their home. They’re ideal for spots that receive little natural light, such as dark corners and areas far from windows. It’s difficult to put a monetary value on this benefit, but it will make your home more appealing to potential buyers — often without them even noticing why.

It may even be worth pointing out the presence of the skylight to draw buyers’ attention to this feature. There are many health benefits to increasing your exposure to natural light, particularly for mental health. Highlighting that your home requires minimal artificial lighting is a big perk.

Reduce Your Energy Bills

You won’t just be spending less on lighting for your home when it has a skylight: you can also see a decrease in heating and cooling expenses. A professional will be able to advise you on the optimal placement for temperature regulation. Typically, south-facing skylights are ideal for warming a home in the winter. In the summer, you can release heat from your home by opening the skylight. This is more effective than opening the regular windows — although for the biggest impact, you should open both the skylight and windows to increase airflow.

Improve Air Quality

Better ventilation also means you’ll improve the air quality in your home. You can open the skylight to remove dust, humidity, and airborne particles, or just to let some fresh air into your home.

Add an Architectural Feature

Skylights can work well for all types of architecture, but you do need to choose the right style for your home. For instance, in a house with a traditional style of architecture, it may be best to install the skylight where it’s not visible from the street to maintain your curb appeal. You also need to think about the interior of your skylight: the frames should match your door or windows and the design should complement the rest of your decor.

To achieve all of the above, you need to receive a professional service for your skylight installation. Edmonton homeowners can count on the experts at Weatherproof Roofing. Contact us to book an appointment.

Rachel Grier