How to Handle a Winter Roof Leak

In the case of many winter issues with your roof, it’s best to wait for a repair until the spring when weather conditions are better. The exception is when you have a leak: this needs immediate attention before it can cause more damage to your home. Here’s what you should do if you suspect a leak in your roof this season.

Never Ignore Signs of a Leak

The last thing you want is a leaky roof in the winter, but ignoring the problem and hoping it will clear up on its own is never a solution. If you notice any stains on the walls (either inside your home or on the exterior), water dripping from a ceiling, leaks passing through ventilation fans, or condensation on your sun tunnel, you likely have a leak. In addition, a damaged or missing shingle — such as after a storm — may put you at risk for a leak later.

Consider a Temporary Repair

Depending on the cause of the damage, it may be appropriate to receive a temporary repair. The roofers can then return in the spring when it’s possible to access your roof to implement a long-term solution. For instance, if the problem is caused by poor ventilation or insulation, the roofers may use fans to prevent a buildup of ice.

Remove Ice Dams

Ice dams are one of the main causes of leaks in the winter. This is due to different temperatures across the roof, which melt fallen snow and then refreeze it. Ice tends to form on the eaves of the roof, blocking any more snow or water that falls from leaving the roof and creating layers of ice. When this ice seeps through the shingles, it leaks into your home. You can resolve the problem by asking a professional to remove the ice dams (it’s too dangerous to do this yourself and you could end up causing more damage to the roof). You should then upgrade your roof in the spring.

Unblock Your Gutters

Another way that snow can become backed up on your roof and water can pass under the shingles is if your gutters are blocked. Make sure to clear your gutters regularly of leaves, debris, and ice to ensure your roof is able to drain.

Find a Professional Roofer

Even if you’re unsure that you have a problem, it’s worth calling a professional. An experienced roofer will be able to diagnose the problem and create an action plan.

Only experts should provide you with a roof repair. Edmonton has professional roofing contractors at Weatherproof Roofing. Call us for any emergency this winter or beyond.

Rachel Grier