Why Fall Is a Good Time for a Roof Replacement

Replacing the roof is one of those things many homeowners keep putting off until later. If you’re one of them, the good news is that fall is actually the perfect time for a roof replacement for several reasons.

1. The Temperature Is Perfect

When the weather is too hot, shingles can start sticking together, which makes it more difficult to install the roof. Winter is even worse, as there’s a high chance that your roof will be covered in snow. Plus, even if it’s not, cold temperatures mean that shingles become more difficult to work with.

In the fall, however, the weather is just right. This means your contractors will be able to finish the job fast and there will be a much lower risk of unexpected problems.

2. Shingles Have Time to Bond

After the roofers have installed your roof, the shingles still need to bond. If the temperature is too low, they may not be able to — and you want shingles to bond before winter to ensure you’re fully insulated when the cold weather sets in.

3. Avoid Winter Damage

Waiting another year is a big risk. If your roof is already in poor conditions, it could start leaking at any time. If this happens in the middle of a storm, you’ll need to wait until the weather improves before roofers can make the repair, which could mean you’re stuck in an uncomfortable situation for several days or more.

4. Keep Energy Costs Low

You lose a large amount of heat through a poorly-insulated roof. A new, high-quality roof will start paying for itself immediately, as you’ll see much lower energy bills. Your roof will allow only a minimal amount of heat to escape and will prevent the cold from entering.

5. Prevent Nesting Pests

Small animals that are searching for a warm, dry place to spend the winter are attracted to roofs — especially old ones that offer easy access to the interior. Replacing your roof will mean there are no longer any holes or other ways for these pests to enter your home. This could save you a call to animal control and the need to repair damage to your house.

Don’t delay for too much longer — fall will soon be over and the last thing you want is to wait until winter for your roof replacement. Edmonton homeowners can find an affordable contractor with Weatherproof Roofing. Call us now to schedule your roof replacement.

Rachel Grier